2022 Indigenous Emerging Business Forum

Hesperia is committed to exploring procurement and supply chain opportunities with a wide range of Indigenous businesses, services and suppliers. For this reason, Hesperia attended the 2022 Indigenous Emerging Business Forum (IEBF) for the second year in a row.

IEBF is a not-for-profit organisation that encourages and assists employment and business development opportunities for First Nations peoples.

There are currently 16,000 Indigenous businesses across Australia and encouragingly, this number is expected to increase by 13.75% by 2026.

The nature of the State’s regionally focused and development driven economy means there should be many opportunities available for existing and new Indigenous businesses.

Hesperia Managing Director Ben Lisle said it was inspiring to see the variety of Indigenous businesses supporting and servicing different industries across Australia.

“The Indigenous Emerging Business Forum provides us with a great opportunity to explore the ways in which Hesperia can involve Indigenous businesses in our operations and developments” Ben said.

Hesperia is currently developing a REFLECT Reconciliation Action Plan to form meaningful relationships with Indigenous stakeholders and suppliers.

“Our Reconciliation Action Plan will provide our team with a structured approach to develop our reconciliation commitments. Our goal is for the Plan to become ingrained in Hesperia’s overall business strategy.”

This commitment is part of Hesperia’s purpose driven approach to business and is also captured in the company’s evolving ESG Framework.

“Research shows that incorporating Indigenous business, whether it’s within your supply chain or through project services, has a direct positive impact on all parties involved.”

Hesperia has a long association and commitment to working with Indigenous communities. During Northlink Industrial Park’s development, Hesperia entered a joint venture with the Noongar Charitable Trust, a not-for-profit established by the South Werst Aboriginal Land and Sea Council. Together, Hesperia and the Trust addressed the cultural and heritage aspects of the project. $30 million was delivered to the Noongar Charitable Trust on project completion.