463 Bushmead Road, Hazelmere
Two free-standing workshops.
463 Bushmead Road comprises two facilities with great access to Roe Highway and other Perth road networks.

Hazelmere location
Project Background
Strategically located in Hazelmere within Perth’s core eastern logistics precinct.
Identified by Hesperia for its prime location and proximity to Hazelmere Interchange development properties, 463 Bushmead Road offers drive-around circulation and dual crossovers to Bushmead and Military Roads.
The southern facility features a ground floor showroom of 242sqm, 134sqm office and a 4,040sqm workshop, featuring two 10-tonne gantry cranes and an 8-9m truss height. The northern facility features a 370sqm office (over two levels) and a 2,890sqm workshop, also featuring two 10-tonne gantry cranes and an 8-9m truss height.

Project Details
Offering prime access to Perth’s key road networks.
463 Bushmead Road is perfectly located at the intersection of Bushmead and Military Roads with excellent access to Roe Highway, Abernethy Road, Perth Airport and the nearby Midland town centre. The area is also set to benefit from the Main Roads Great Eastern Highway Bypass Interchange project.