Murdoch Health and Knowledge Precinct plans updated to better suit precinct needs
August 29, 2020

August 29, 2020
Hesperia has amended plans for its $200 million Murdoch Health and Knowledge Precinct, to better reflect the project’s service-oriented purpose.
The updated plans place greater emphasis on the precinct’s aged care offering, office space, services, and medical facilities including a medihotel – the first facility of its kind in Western Australia that will provide much needed support for major hospitals nearby.
The revised plans now leave the central MHKP hub as a place for shops, entertainment, offices and medical services and facilities.
Hesperia director Kyle Jeavons said that 175 apartments included in the original plans were better suited to the area immediately surrounding MHKP — which has not yet been released for development — where parking could be built at podium level rather than in a basement.
Mr Jeavons said the new plans for the five-building stage one at MHKP remained at about 60,000 square metres, and included about 25 more aged care beds and 20 more medihotel beds than originally planned.
He said new additions to the plan included a childcare centre catering for 120 children, along with a 40-bed mental health facility. The precinct will also include a pharmacy, a supermarket, 7000 square metres of office space, a restaurant, cafe and tavern, and shops.